Wednesday, January 12, 2011

At the Pearly Gates

Standing outside the gates of heaven, Jack scopes out the ticket booth with the shortest line. When you finally reach the front of the line, he pulls out stacks of post-it notes from your pockets.
“What are these?” the ticket man asks.
“It’s everything nice I’ve ever done,” he says. “I’ve been keeping track.”
“I’m sorry, but you get in with these, young man”
The girl behind him nudges past him to the counter. She hands the man a ticket with big letters that say Admit One.

He pushes back to the counter. “You’ve made a mistake,” he pleads. “I’ve got all the proof I need right here. I’m good enough to get in to heaven.”
The ticket man turns back to the girl “Welcome, Sue. Go on in.”
The man glances at the Jack. “I’m sorry. You can’t buy tickets here,” He says. “The tickets were free. Back on earth.”
Jack snatches the ticket from the girl’s hands and stares at it, looking for a hint of where it came from. “Where did you get this? Who could possibly give you a free pass to heaven? I’ve been good my whole life just to get here.”
“Didn’t you hear?” the girl replies. “Jesus was giving them away”

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

There’s a danger of being a Christian and being devoted to God. It’s this: You might begin to think that your spiritual goodness scores you a friendship with God.
No. Jesus obviously does not hand out cheesy Admit One tickets to heaven or Get Out of Hell Free cards. But he wants you to be sure of one fact: He’s the one and only way you can know God and get into heaven.
Your total devotion doesn’t earn you anything. Your love for God is thanks for everything God has done for you.
Salvation is a free gift from God. It’s silly to think that our deeds will earn us a place in heaven because what are our deeds compared to a place in heaven. It’s like trading rags for riches.

God loves you completely and unconditionally. When you trust Christ, he “saves” you, forgiving you and promising you life in heaven. You can’t take credit for that salvation.

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